Celebrate Shabbat

Celebrate Shabbat

At least one Shabbat service is held every weekend, led by our rabbi or a congregant leader.

Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday, 7:30 pm)

This Friday evening service welcomes Shabbat with singing, meditation, silence, and prayer. Our chairs are arranged in a circle, and the leader sits among the community. While the leader may offer a short teaching or d’var torah, this service emphasizes ending the workweek and preparing the mind, body, and spirit to enter Shabbat, the day of rest.

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We also offer an occasional Chanting service and a once-a-month Friday evening Tot Shabbat.

Saturday Shabbat Services (10:00 am)

Our Shabbat morning service is often described as informal, interactive, and participatory. While we go through the prayer service, we may stop to discuss an interesting reading or point of liturgy. Instructions or comments are added throughout the service and the Torah reading is always followed by a lively discussion of the week’s portion. All are encouraged to add their voices and participate regardless of background and familiarity with the liturgy.