Rabbi Talya Weisbard Shalem Installed at Nov. 17 Service

Rabbi Talya Weisbard Shalem Installed at Nov. 17 Service

Please join us Friday, November 17 at 7pm in the sanctuary for a special service as we formally install Rabbi Talya into our CAA community. Now that the Holidays are behind us, we are having a formal installation to celebrate her role in our community. We hope you will join the celebration at this service, which also includes special speaker Rabbi Richard (Rim) Meirowitz, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Shir Tikvah in Winchester, MA and founding head of the Rashi School.

Donations in honor of Rabbi Talya and this occasion can be made to the Synagogue’s general fund and/or the Rabbi’s discretionary fund (RDF). Please specify which you prefer. Checks can be mailed to the office with “Installation–General” or “Installation–RDF” in the memo or you can donate online.